Before we formed Puff and Flock, we did the Masters Textile Futures at Central St Martins. That is where we met and learnt to work together. At the end of the course we exhibited our work and published a catalogue. We invited people from Habitat who kindly came over and we gave them our catalogue.

A year after, Habitat is publishing a catalogue with a very similar cover! You can judge yourself: same format, same recycled cardboard, same orange. They only added the white typography.

If I had their very cool job, would I not bother and pick up ideas from Degree shows? Or would I take this wonderful opportunity to develop more personal views and credit people for their ideas?
(By the way special credit to Surya Son who was our super special graphic designer!!)
I totally agree. How lazy does one have to be to so blatantly knock off someone´s else´s work?
Awesome catalogue by the way.