
Puff & Flock are showing at Interiors Birmingham, 24th - 27th January on the DesignersBlock stand for the second year running. This year we were asked to collaborate and have created exciting partnerships with Ercol, Hendzel and Hunt, Toray and the PoCheung Steel company in China.

Sofa So Good by Amelie Labarthe and Elisabeth Buecher.

Imagine your sofa could hug you after a hard day at work. Imagine combing the cushions’ silky hair into the most daring hairstyles, or even your favourite scents embedded in little patches on the back cushion. ‘Sofa So Good’ by Amelie Labarthe and Elisabeth Buecher (Puff & Flock) in association with Ercol is here to keep you warm and entertained through cold winters and beyond. ‘Sofa So Good’ is your treasure chest, let it be yours and no one else’s.

Silvergate bench by Jenny Leary

Jenny Leary (Puff & Flock) reshapes steel offcuts from the PoCheung Steel factory in Hong Kong. They become decorative panels in the Ercol chair backrest, taking design inspiration from wrought iron garden gates. The addition of magnetic strips to the chair allow these steel panels to be removable.

Magical glow textiles by Kathy Schicker

Creating a magical dark space in collaboration with Ercol and sponsored by ‘Toray’ Europe limited, Kathy Schicker (Puff & Flock) has crafted a number of beautiful unique handmade glow in the dark birds. These are hidden in a magical landscape printed on to high tech fabric and interwoven with Ercol furniture.

Carbon Copy by Jan Hendzel and Oscar Hunt of Hendzel and Hunt and Jenny Leary and Melissa French.

Makers and designers Jan Hendzel and Oscar Hunt (Hendzel and Hunt) test their technical might in partnership with Jenny Leary and Melissa French (Puff & Flock) to produce a textile copy of the iconic Ercol Butterfly chair. Combining carbon fibre and one of Ercol’s bestselling fabrics, this chair is lightweight yet rigid creating an intriguing curiosity.

1 comment:

  1. So exciting, what a pity I cannot come to Birmingham ... take pictures girl ;)
