Ice-fern explores the poetics of the window and how textiles can become an integral part of this ultra-thin architectural space. This transformable window geometry is a window-sculpture evolving over time.Pushing the boundaries between curtain and wall, Ice-fern is playfully drawn from one to the other. As Residue is reconfigured excess parts of the curtain are shed creating a conversation between the two. As the lizard can loose its tail, Ice-fern leaves traces of presence across the space of inhabitation.
Ice-fern is three dimensional. Consolidated scales heat pressed into the gecko fabric give the fabric an integral structure. The resident can shape this three dimensionality by loosening parts of the pattern from the window surface. Changing the sculptures three dimensional configuration shifts the diffusion of light and translucency.
Ice-fern is bought in parts and combined at will depending on the size of window and the degree of privacy wished for. The parts combine in multiple ways creating new patterns and configurations. .
Ahrens Grabenhors Architekten from Hannover with „Etz Chaim“ and Trix Barmettler from Zürich with „GECKO goes kids“ were also respectively awarded in the functionality and innovation categories. The three winning projects can be discovered in the show-room of the company in Langenthal, Switzerland till the end of october.
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